Sunday, April 24, 2011

Poetica Victorian Moves to New Website

In a decisive move Poetica Victorian has decided to switch to a new, more interactive website. It is still not their final web-based home, as this will be released with the print issue, but it is a better temporary home than they had before.

"With the new website there is a new interactive blog in which our readers can comment on our progress here at Poetica Victorian, have open discussions with our editorial staff on getting published and the editing business..." Said David Ben-Arie, head of Technical Affairs at Poetica Victorian and architect behind the new website in an interview last week.

"Yes, I like the new website much better than the old one they had. It looks better and has a better feel to it." Said one of Poetica Victorian subscriber in our random survey.

The new features of the website mark a new stage for a web based magazine like Poetica Victorian. It shows growth and dedication in the magazine, and the future looks bright for this fledgling magazine, which has only been in existence for several months.

After a short discussion with the editor in-chief, Brandon Berman, he gave over a message which he wanted passed on in this article: "We hope everyone enjoys our new website and will take part in our interactive blog activities soon to be featured there on a regular basis."